Thursday, 30 August 2018

3MM Scale Double Deck bus.

Picked this up from the second hand stall. A couple of missing bits but the kit makes up very easily.

Just some destination blinds to fit and a platform pole to fit, maybe a clippie as well.

Should really have fitted glass to the windows but forgot before the lower deck was assembled!

Where has that bridge gone---!!

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

RAF Misarah- Beach Club.

RAF Masirah had a beach club which was served by a flat truck fitted with seats to transport the personnel to their watering hole.

A few minutes plus some balsa wood, strip plastic and a card kit of a shed saw the effort on the right and below.

A few discarded oil drums plus a couple of stray bombs completes Misarah- just to glue a couple of club patrons in place.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Hornby Peckett-Lilleshall.

You can't resist a good Peckett!

Leigh of Colletts Models in Exmouth  sent this little beauty after my return from holiday and I must say it was worth the wait.

Perhaps not as attractive as my previous one but it is every bit equal performance wise.

It really is simplicity but full of character.

I had a word with Simon Kohler at the Dorset Steam Fair and bar one supplier who was given one week to relocate by the Chinese Government- little change from when I used to deal with Chinese suppliers before retirement.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Out and about Summer 2018.

 Took a trip to the Emerald Isle recently as part of my summer European Tour.
Whilst there I managed to spend a few minutes at Mullingar Station.
Every time I visit it seems to improve structurally but parts are now truncated and there is no more clear views of the engine shed as that part of the line has been truncated.
Unfortunately I couldn't wait for the next train as there was about two hours before the next.
There's always next time!

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Hillbrow-First Award.

At the 2018 Exmoor Rail Exhibition Hillbrow was priviledged to receive the Exmoor Coast Railway Modellers Annual Award for Modelling Excellence.

Most pleasing aspect was that this award was judged by modellers.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Backwoods Miniatures 009 Railcar.

Whilst at the recent show in New Milton I came across this. It is the second issue of this particular kit.

Instead of a steam bogie it has been designed to use a Kato motor bogie. However it also comes with various etchings which are not needed for building this version.

A bonus is that the passenger compartment is already formed and a comprehensive instruction sheet.
Looking forward to building this one!

Saturday, 4 August 2018

3mm miscellany.

 Just a few pictures of recently assembled 3mm kits which have been in the kits mountain for too long.

A coat of grey primer really brings out the detail and almost seems a pity to add corporate colours!

So, the Scammel Mechanical horse and trailer and lastly a Mikes Model kit of a GWR Water Crane. Whether the latter will adorn a layout is questionable as the next 3mm effort will be with a Southern Region flavour.

Thursday, 2 August 2018

4mm Slaters Open Wagon.

 This wagon has stood in the cabinet for ever!

Whilst assembling the Cambrian wagons I removed the plastic wheels and fitted pinpoint bearings just to see if metal wheels would fit. Success! So a quick coat of grey primer and the chassis painting black when dry gave another inexpensive addition to the collection.

I have since applied a BR Private owner number and blackened the metalwork which i must picture sometime.