Occasional mutterings about model railways, 3mm,4mm,7mm and 009 Narrow Gauge.
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
New 009 Layout- tracklaying.
Tracklaying continues with the first couple of turnouts located.
I have altered the way I am laying the track on this layout. Usually I pin the track in place but this time I am using glue to lay the track.
Firstly the point is placed in position and one of the holes in the tie bar is marked, drilled and filed out so the resultant slot is clear. A hole is also drilled for the frog wire to make it's way under the board.
PECO turnout motors are going to be used and already have the mounting base and changeover switch fitted.. Also ready is the switch panel and a supply of very short screws to fit the point motors. Two down- four to go!
The great thing with these boards is that once the rails have been cut each board is small so can be turned over to easily be worked on without a large lump having to be wrestled with.
Monday, 29 June 2020
009 GVT loco lining.
It's not perfect I know but shaky hands don't produce the best work!
Pressfix Mixed Traffic lining is a close match for the lining on the Bachmann Baldwin so it will do for me.
Each loco is different and all need a waft of Testors Dulcote to seal the decals before too much handling.
The enlargements cruelly expose my shortcomings but that's as good as I can do presently.
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Derails swift delivery!
Not a large order by any stretch of the imagination but credit where credit is due.
Ordered three things on Wednesday afternoon and delivered on Saturday morning-excellent service considering the present pandemonium!The prices were very good plus they had all I needed in stock. Well done Derails!
These parts are the last pieces needed to complete the hardware for the upcoming 009 layout, yet to be named.
Ordered three things on Wednesday afternoon and delivered on Saturday morning-excellent service considering the present pandemonium!The prices were very good plus they had all I needed in stock. Well done Derails!
These parts are the last pieces needed to complete the hardware for the upcoming 009 layout, yet to be named.
Saturday, 27 June 2020
009 GVT Locos- lining.
I have been experimenting with lining the GVT Tram engines with a view to a corporate image for the upcoming 009 layout.
BR Mixed Traffic lining seems to be an acceptable match but my application does leave something to be desired.
Still I will persevere with trying as each loco will be different due to the placing of name and makers plates!
Compare the Bachmann Baldwin with the tram loco- on second thoughts no don't!
Friday, 26 June 2020
Exhibitions- what's next?
There has been numerous posts across all media about when, or if, exhibitions are to re-start. Don't hold your breath!
I think that the exhibition as we know it will take a long time to return to something resembling what we are used to. The search through rummage tables and club stands looking for a bargain are long gone. Being able to get the supplies you need in one place are also a memory. Now , although mail order is very organised, it means several orders have to be placed with resultant postage charges to factor in.
This is before we consider layouts. With the current restrictions in place it means that clubs are unable to meet, although Zoom has helped in this respect, so this compounds the lack of club layouts being produced which in turn might mean that more independent builds will become prevalent.
So- will this mean a return to small 'village hall' type events? Smaller visitor numbers which will result in less trade support and the booking of layouts from far afield being uneconomic. Many conveniences which we have come to expect will not be possible, refreshments, eating areas and toilets initially spring to mind although there are many more.
Finally (thank god I hear you say) will anyone come? As has been observed the footfall consists of seniors plus a few families so will it be economic. Who will be the first to stick their head above the parapet and be prepared to take a, possibly, sizeable monetary hit? We shall see in due course.
Me? I am seriously considering withdrawing from the exhibitions that I have been booked to appear at because until there are breakthroughs in science to combat this terrible epidemic, and the possibility of a second wave to come, the uncertainty has made me consider Knitting.
Oh- there may be several of my layouts for sale soon!
I think that the exhibition as we know it will take a long time to return to something resembling what we are used to. The search through rummage tables and club stands looking for a bargain are long gone. Being able to get the supplies you need in one place are also a memory. Now , although mail order is very organised, it means several orders have to be placed with resultant postage charges to factor in.
This is before we consider layouts. With the current restrictions in place it means that clubs are unable to meet, although Zoom has helped in this respect, so this compounds the lack of club layouts being produced which in turn might mean that more independent builds will become prevalent.
So- will this mean a return to small 'village hall' type events? Smaller visitor numbers which will result in less trade support and the booking of layouts from far afield being uneconomic. Many conveniences which we have come to expect will not be possible, refreshments, eating areas and toilets initially spring to mind although there are many more.
Finally (thank god I hear you say) will anyone come? As has been observed the footfall consists of seniors plus a few families so will it be economic. Who will be the first to stick their head above the parapet and be prepared to take a, possibly, sizeable monetary hit? We shall see in due course.
Me? I am seriously considering withdrawing from the exhibitions that I have been booked to appear at because until there are breakthroughs in science to combat this terrible epidemic, and the possibility of a second wave to come, the uncertainty has made me consider Knitting.
Oh- there may be several of my layouts for sale soon!
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Norfolk heath works baseboards. Another 009 Layout!
Nice day yesterday so the opportunity was taken to assemble the five boards I have from Stuart at Norfolk Heath Works. A new trestle/table has been made which will provide mounting for narrow width layouts.
The line up consists of two sector plate boards at either end, a drop front board, a plain board and a drop section board.
Once all assembled and setup the process of a plan for track was started. Not smoking now meant this wasn't drawn on the back of a fag packet but on a sophisticated small notebook.
The name for the layout hasn't been fully decided upon yet but several ideas have been suggested.
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Somerset and Dorset repainted Hornby short clorestories.
Since repainting three coaches I was given a fourth by my mate Barrie.
On it was some S&DJR branding and some class wordingfor doors.
These are in fact small stickers printed on clear thin vinyl.
They are much quicker to apply than waterslide or pressfix not having to wait for them to detach from the carrier film.
Still not decided about the white roofs though= maybe should have been an off-white instead.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Bits and p[ieces in 00 and 009.
The seating for the L&B coach has been cut to size and awaits a coat of primer before a representation of wooden seat colour is applied.
It's amazing how time consuming this type of work takes and it looks so little once completed.
Again another fiddly bit is the platform seat for St Mewan.
Using GWR iron ends and centre, the slats are thin pieces of microstrip.
Once painted and dry, the seat has been sited by the booking hall doors waiting for a weary traveller .
Monday, 22 June 2020
Lynton and Barnstable observation coach.
The roof has been fabricated for the Open centre third coach . Again the roof is made from venetian blind slats.
Apart from the seating and painting, this coach is significantly complete.
Once the painting is completed and transfers fixed, the door handles and grab rails can be fitted before glazing.
Sunday, 21 June 2020
009 Norfolk Heath Works dropped section baseboard.
I was unaware that this was part of Norfolk Heath Works products.
Quickly dispatched after ordering, it is an easy build with very accurately cut components.
This one will join the four I already have which includes two sector plate boards.
Once St Mewan has been completed then the process of deciding on a track plan and location although I am veering towards using Glyn Valley stock but not the GVT itself.
Saturday, 20 June 2020
00 gauge St Mewan Goods Shed.
The space for the goods shed is as scant as that available for the cattle dock- see previous.
This is the shell and it was suggested to me- you know who you are, that I build the inside which would otherwise be blanked off.
So, armed with coffee stirrers, The building was floored inside and out and some scrap wooden strip (actually rocket shafts from Bonfire Night) used for the front platform supports. Still a lot to do though!
Friday, 19 June 2020
4mm scale St Mewan cattle dock.
The progress on St Mewan seems to have slowed recently due to other excitements- I have actually been out twice and met-People!
Anyway enough of that. The cattle dock has been made to fit the available space and is seen here in photographic grey (undercoat).
The base has been made from scrap pieces of Wills plastic Granite Setts and the rest from bits and pieces of left over Ratio cattle dock posts.
Perhaps unusually the dock has to be low relief so will have to face the layout with clear acrylic screens so the cows don't fall off!
Anyway enough of that. The cattle dock has been made to fit the available space and is seen here in photographic grey (undercoat).
The base has been made from scrap pieces of Wills plastic Granite Setts and the rest from bits and pieces of left over Ratio cattle dock posts.
Perhaps unusually the dock has to be low relief so will have to face the layout with clear acrylic screens so the cows don't fall off!
Thursday, 18 June 2020
00 Gauge Clerestory re-works. The final chapter!
The converted Tri-ang/ Hornby clerestories have now been finished- at long last I hear you say.
The delay was due to me running out of suitable coach seating which a pal kindly came to the rescue-thanks Nigel!
These two are both mongrels with a selection of bogies, couplings and buffers- some round, some oval but no matter Rule 1 applies!
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Right now we're going to go Back! Vintage 00 Gauge.
I met a pal a few days ago and he had had a clear out and gave me some elderly Tri-ang locos and Multiple Units which were non runners. Most were in various states of dis-assembly.
So, always up for a challenge, they were all stripped down, the felt pads lubricated and reassembled roughly just to see if any worked.
And would you believe it they all work! Not bad for 60 odd years old. I wonder if my modern Bachmann, Heljan, Dapol and Hornby locos will still work in 2060? Well I won't be around to find out but I may be advised posthumously! The other thing is that they don't run well, if at all on code 75 track!
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
00 Gauge reworked clerestories.
Finally the converted Clerestories are finished- well almost. Just have to fit the seats into the composite and attach the roof and buffers.
Ficticious numbering has been applied before the purists start.
Hopefully the other coach will appear on the next entry.
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Stock storage for 'N', 009 and 4mm.
There has always been the question of how to store stock or for exhibition transport. I have many of John Burman's products- link below. View his other products which change regularly. Excellent service- no connection other as a very satisfied customer.

Friday, 12 June 2020
00 Gauge Hornby Clestories reworked!
After the paint has dried then the transfers were applied and a waft of varnish to keep it all in place.
The plastic sheet for the compartments has been cut and the seats cut to length. Just enough to complete the brake coach-It was then I realised that I had run out of Ratio seating so work effectively has stopped until more is obtained.
Looks like another project will have to be found!
Seat and compartment divider painted ready to be fitted
Thursday, 11 June 2020
00 Scale Slaters coaches.
The transfers and varnish have been applied as has the roofs.
Feeling quite pleased with these two especially as they are from the bits box, and probably cost less than a fiver plus paint.
Downside is that there is no guards compartment so it must be decided wether I get another coach- probably not, or wait till one comes up in a bits box when exhibitions(remember them?) re-start.
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
00 Gauge Southern Coaches from Hornby Clerestories
Following on from the last post are a pair of Hornby ex Clerestory coaches .
I had seen the article in Railway Modeller on converting to Southern stock but until now hadn't sourced a suitable roof.
The original roofs had the clerestory part removed and the resultant hole filled- this ,however, warped making it un-useable. Some aluminium extrusions were bought from a stand at the Southampton Exhibition but were too wide.
Finally I obtained some from Roxey Mouldings. These are plastic card mouldings and not terribly robust.
But with persistance and risque language they were cut to size and the coach ends built up to fit.
Maroon livery has been decided upon because I had a rattle can of Vauxhall Maroon from Halfords and rather than buy more.....
Again, once the paint has fully dried then transfers can be affixed and the body sprayed with matt varnish. These two will only have Hornby bogies as I have a couple of sets but will fit with metal wheels. An underframe will have to be fabricated,glazing and interior fitted and vents fitted to the roofs. It is surprising what you can do after a good rummage in the spares boxes.
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
00 Gauge Slaters Midland coaches re-purposed!
I have resolved to complete all of the unfinished things which, quite honestly, have hung around for too long.
From somewhere that I can't remember, came a pair of Slaters Midland corridor coaches which somehow arrived with a couple of sets of BSL Southern Steam bogies!
Both have been sprayed Southern Stock green and fitted with the BSL bogies- these can be removed easily if other more suitable coaches arrive.
Once the paint has dried the transfers can be applied- fictional of course- Rule 1 applies!
The steam bogies and the roof test fitted,
Saturday, 6 June 2020
009 Lynton & Barnstable Observation car.
Although this Brynkits offering has etched bogies included, I have decided to use PECO GR-104 Coach Bogies as fitted to the rest of my L&B stock. I obtained mine from Dreamsteam of Aylesford, Kent https://www.dreamsteam.co.uk/
No connection- just a happy customer!
All that is required is for the hole to be opened up to 4mm and the bogie clips in. I have added a washer to increase the ride height of the body, this saves removing a lot of the triple folded end.
First coat of paint and once fully dry will have 2nd coat as the brake coach.
Once the painting has been completed, the transfers can be applied. Then a coat of matt varnish followed by fitting of seats and glazing. The roof will, once again, be cut from a plastic venetian blind slat.
Friday, 5 June 2020
009 Lynton & Barnstable Brake Van Number 23.
As the pandemic continues it means more time to continue and complete outstanding builds.
Before starting more projects, the L&B Brake van number 23 has had its first top coat, and will receive the second after a couple of days.
The kit is by Langley- or it says so on the instructions. The kit went together well and with care has built up square.
The bogies are also etched and have been fitted with metal wheels to increase weight at the lowest point possible.
I now have quite a few L&B items including a couple of Manning Wardle loco's and really too much rolling stock! There is also the small matter of a name for the layout on which these will run.
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