Friday 17 December 2021

Shanklin and Chale Railway

An Act for incorporating the Shanklin and Chale Railway
Company and for other purposes. [14th August 1885.]
HEREAS the construction of the railway in the Isle of Wight
by this Act authorised would be of public and local
And whereas the several persons herein-after named with others
are willing at their own expense to carry the undertaking into
execution on being incorporated into a Company for the purpose:
And whereas it is expedient that the Company so to be incor-
porated (herein-after referred to as " the Company") and any
company or persons for the time being working or using the
railway of the Company be empowered to enter into agreements
with respect to the use of such parts of the railway of the Isle of
Wight Railway Company as lie between the intended junction of
the railway by this Act authorised and the station of the Isle of
Wight Railway at Shanklin together with that station :
And whereas it is expedient that the Company and the other
companies herein-after in that behalf mentioned be empowered to
enter into and carry into effect working and other agreements as
herein-after provided:
And whereas plans and sections showing the line and levels of
the railway authorised by this Act and books of reference to the
plans containing the names of the owners and lessees or reputed
owners and lessees and of the occupiers of the lands required or
which may be taken for the purposes or under the powers of this
Act were duly deposited with the clerk of the peace for the county
of Southampton and with the parish clerks of Newchurch Godshill
and Chale in the Isle of Wight and are herein-after respectively
referred to as the deposited plans sections and books of reference:
And whereas the purposes of this Act cannot be effected without
the authority of Parliament:
May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted and
be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty

Of course this plan never materialised but as I have a modellers licence it cannot be disregarded as i am hoping to build a model of this once proposed line. The name is as yet undecided but, rely on me that this will come to fruition!  It may well be that Her Majesty Queen Victoria would have been minded to explore the extent of her beloved island!


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